Sunday, April 13, 2008


I'm basking in my own virtue after tonight's Sunday dinner:

  • Vichyssoise, a pureed soup of leek, potato, peas and sorrel, which I had never heard of until Wednesday when I picked up our weekly produce subscription and it became my new favorite edible leaf. It's slightly sour and has the texture of a mint leaf.
  • Stir-fried chicken with spicy beet greens and spinach, topped with green onions and peanuts, over brown rice.
I've also whipped up some chocolate soy pudding for Ben and portioned it into four dessert cups. Next I'm going to pay my bills, dutifully filing the statements in reverse chronological order, fill my weekly pill case with vitamins, and then iron my clothes for the week.

In case it's not painfully obvious, I have some job applications (which all include essays!) that should have been submitted a couple of months ago. Just as soon as I take care of all these essentials, they'll be the very next on my list.

Seattle probability for today: 87 %, not factoring in Friday's announcement that Seattle Public Schools is effecting a hiring freeze. 96 % when factoring in the report that Theo "ran into Mommy with the [child-size] tractor."

1 comment:

Dennis R. Plummer said...

I love the NW, albeit OR better than WA.

But then again, the Nob Hill Bar and Grill just opened and might rival your culinary expertise (i.e. it sure beats Spam...not that that is a bad thing, some of my best friends are made of Spam!).