Thursday, July 20, 2006

sitting in the dark.....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but you know you just wanna be hangin in the ghetto in ol' Abq sweatin' in 90 degree+ heaven sippin' your margarita in your favorite outdoor pub or eatin' pizza at joe's and havin' a beer while the neighborhood cats rub at your feet! You know ya miss it!

All right, aNONymous. Whomever you are. Maybe I do miss Albuquerque a little bit. So what if I do? I just try to keep my NM-stalgia in check to encourage Ben to let go of his belief that it's heaven on earth, to which Hawaii will never compare. It doesn't help that the other night, we went over to our friends' for dinner and they had a houseguest who used to go to UNM, and knew all the same weirdos as Ben did. (No offense to the few weirdos who may be reading.) The reminiscing was fast and furious, and freaking hilarious. Our hosts, who are from Boston and Philadelphia, were like, "Man, we never knew there were so many freaks in Albuquerque!" It was then that I realized how truly...unique Albuquerque is. Kona wouldn't tolerate a naked guy in a sandwich board parading along Palani Road for one day.

Some other things I miss about living in the Q:
* bread for under $4 a loaf
* the dollar theater
* the less-than-savory clientele at the dollar theater
* Mickey Mouse guy outside the Anodyne
* making snide remarks about slutty girls wearing miniskirts in below-freezing weather downtown
* hurrying away in fear from mean-looking slutty girls who may have overheard the snide remarks

Anyway...who are you, Anonnie? Let it be said that I enjoy anonymous commenters, at least to a point. The mystery adds a little spice to my life. If I can't guess who you are after a few days, I'll become annoyed. In this case, the consistent use of apostrophe-"n" in all gerund verbs is a big clue. As is the margarita reference.


Anonymous said...

Said Anon' drinkin' 2nd 'rita in fine fashion is happy you respond to blogspot rather than email! Guild is showing Reanimator but would much rather be hangin' on beach with margarita in hand watchin' & listening to the surf! You don't know how good you've got it!

Dennis R. Plummer said...

I don't know, Anon. Albufreakque is pretty freakin' awesome.

And, I don't know Anon.

Ooo, Missy....did you catch the double entendre just there? Think of the fun you could have teaching the kiddos about how Americans use French words when they don't know how to describe what something is. But then, was a "double entendre" encountered here since it is the comma that holds the key to double meaning here? I digress.)

missymussy said...

maybe i just haven't had enough coffee yet. please explain the D.E.!