So I saw Joaquin and Reese on Oprah, and they said neither of them had ever sung a note before Walk the Line. Through voice lessons alone, they were able to emulate musical legends.
My friend Stephanie and I have talked about the fantasy of shyly showing up onstage somewhere to wow the crowd, which usually includes ex-boyfriends and people who've made fun of us in the past, with our amazing guitar-strumming and singing skills. We'll also look much, much hotter than ever before.
Now, it seems it could really happen! At least the singing part. I just need to find the right voice teacher to believe in me, to turn what Ben calls "the sound of an old lady who's just woken up" into mellowed honey.
You can start practicing by singing to yourself and Ben, "[I] wish you a Merry Christmas!" Please be sure to first dedicate the song to yourselves from me.
Although it's in Vietnamese, I'm sure that you'll appreciate the photo content. Thought this might help you to formulate how to spend your success.
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