Tuesday, September 27, 2005

it's a nerd's world after all!

I just ordered a book called The English Teacher's Survival Guide, and I'm more excited about this than I was when I got my first Cabbage Patch, Terrence Bruce. More excited than when my mom and I bought the Get-Along-Gang train set for my friend's birthday present and I begged for her to buy me one too, and she wouldn't, and I threw a tantrum, and later found that of course, she had bought one for me and hid it in her bedroom closet. Boy, was I ashamed of myself. But also excited! Like I am for the book that eight of eight reviewers promise will save my life!

Starting Friday, I will be a free person again, for 9 glorious days! I plan to spend three days working nonstop, scaring Ben with my frantic, coffee-fueled hummingbird movements; then, I'll throw myself into the activities of adulthood I have neglected for too long. Staying up past 10:30, cooking meals, going to movies and not feeling guilty. I cannot wait!

I hope my impatience and defeatism, having given up on imparting any knowledge this quarter, aren't too visible to the studes. I wonder if they've noticed that while they're enjoying their "study periods" leading up to this Thursday's test, I am reading recaps of shows I've already seen! I doubt it.

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