I guess this rollercoaster never ends
Things I never thought I'd do, but shouldn't be surprised at when they happen:
- cry at any NPR story that relates, even tangentially, to a child dying, a child leaving voicemail messages for her working mother, or a homeless mother and child
- cry at the final scene of tonight's Parenthood in which the daughter goes off to college and tries to be all nonchalant but leaves the airport security line to tearfully hug her parents
- cry as I type that last bullet point, ten minutes after the cheesy scene has ended
On a lighter note:
- try to make my nine-month-old child watch TV in a desperate attempt to let me clip her nails, squirt saline into her nose, or end a tantrum caused by not letting her chew on my cell phone (the old TV trick lasts five seconds, max, so I don't feel that guilty about it)
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