Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I have completed my metamorphosis into vacation-mode Lazy Me. Yesterday I didn't leave the house at all until 5:30, when our need for groceries became inescapable. I finished Season Six of the Sopranos, watched four episodes of West Wing, and ate leftovers from a Thai and a Mexican restaurant.

Ben's mother is visiting us for two weeks, but she went to the island of Maui for a couple of days, so we are reveling in the bad habits we'd been hiding. I'll write more about her visit once I become certain she has never found this blog. Just kidding, Gail!


Dennis R. Plummer said...

I love a sloth!

Dennis R. Plummer said...

Hey, Jill: the jillilicious address no longer works. Any updated address? (I tried to send you a link to this post.)

Jake: does the meditation pillow carry the Bob Dylan radio program?

Anonymous said...

Hey, what happened about our last conversation? Mr. Margarita